SIVA+ Pre-Sales and Prompt Delivery Solution with the issuance of an Order, Invoice in form or DANFE electronic Invoice.Sales TransactionsIssuance of NFe, NFc, Orders and Budgets;Registration of exchange of goods;Inventory count on the gondola;Receipts, Danfes and bills printing.Means of PaymentPayment records: Cash, checks, bank slips or cards;Peripherals used can be: Barcode Readers, RFID Readers, Check Readers.CustomersCredit limit control;Registration of new customers;Sale to new registered customers;Sale to off-route customers;Consultation of the latest sales;Search for titles;Viewing the route on the map.ProductsOffering similar products;Price list by product;Percentage or direct discount;Sales volume discount;Flex discount;Sales by product kits;Catalog sales;Quantity of sale in multiples.Geo locationIt registers the users displacement and the events registered by him during the journey;Logbook;Records all events such as stops for lunch, toll booth and workshop.Service
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